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peppa pig live show reviews
peppa pig live show reviews

PEPPA PIG: # 2 Perfect Rainy Day

Facing bad weather, everything seems to turn for the worse. However, while we can't change the bad weather, we can change our mood for the better.

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Description of PEPPA PIG: # 2 Perfect Rainy Day

The beloved Peppa Pig is such a heartwarming story: "Change the world, starting with yourself." It not only allows children to find solutions in difficulties, but also teaches them to start from themselves and find ways to change their mood. Nothing can stop children from pursuing their dreams.

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Get in touch
Focusing on Kids Theatre Shows, Planting Seeds of Hope and Dreams.

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Happykids Hong Kong Culture Development Limited
Contact Person : Justin Shum
Contact Number :
Unit 1602, 16F, Lee Garden Two, 28 YunPing Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
+852-37963796 +852-5575-6269 shenjialin@tedletong.com
Unit 1602, 16F, Lee Garden Two, 28 YunPing Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong