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Which Main Character Are You in My Little Pony?

Jul 26,2024/Blog


Preliminary summary: Your friend encounters a very difficult problem and needs your help. At this time, which one from My Little Pony will you prefer?

Come and test it!

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Q1. Which of the following statements is closer to you?

a. Neither strict with yourself nor others (go to question 2)

b. Be easy on yourself and strict on others (go to question 3)

c. Be strict with others and yourself (go to question 4)

d. Be strict with yourself and be lenient with others (go to question 5)

Q2. Before you encounter a problem, do you often talk to friends?

a. Yes (go to question 6)

b.No (go to question 7)

Q3. So far, are you the one who has made the most concessions among your friends?

a. Yes (go to question 6)

b.No (go to question 8)

Q4. Are you the type who trusts friends easily?

a. Yes (go to question 9)

b.No (go to question 7)

Q5. Do you have one or more particularly close friends?

a. Yes (go to question 9)

b.No (go to question 8)

Q6. Have you ever been full of expectations and imagination about the scenes when you are with your friends?

a. Yes (to question 10)

b. No (to question 12)

Q7. If you could choose to go back in time, what period would you like to go back to?

a. High school period (to question 14)

b. College period (to question 11)

Q8. After quarreling with a friend, which of the following two attitudes is closer to you?

a. Make up immediately after five minutes and take the initiative to admit your mistake (go to question 13)

b. Stick to your point of view and wait for your friends to take the initiative to seek peace (go to question 12)

Q9. Are you very good at making friends?

a.Yes (to question 14)

b.No (go to question 13)

Q10. Are you a patient person?

a.Yes (to question 15)

b. No (go to question 16)

Q11. Are you someone who doesn't like arguing with your friends?

a.Yes (to question 17)

b.No (go to question 16)

Q12. If your friend asks you to get up early to watch the sunrise, what would you choose?

a. Stay up all night (to question 18)

b. Get up very early (to question 17)

Q13. Have you ever deliberately acted coldly to someone/friend you care about?

a.Yes (to question 18)

b.No (go to question 19)

Q14. How many times have you said the same thing to your friends?

a.Yes (to question 20)

b.No (go to question 19)

Q15. Among friends, do you often play the role of the leader?

a.Yes (Type A)

b.No (Type B)

Q16. What do you do when your friends encounter difficulties?

a. Loyal companionship (Type B)

b. Cheer up (Type C)

Q17. Would you point out your friends’ shortcomings or shortcomings in public?

a. Will (F type)

b. No, but I will tell him secretly (Type C)

Q18. Will you prepare surprises for your friends without hesitation?

a. Will (D type)

b. Will consider the actual situation, but will prepare gifts for friends (Type E)

Q19. What is your first reaction when you hear bad news about a friend?

a. Tell your friends everything (F type)

b. Tell friends tactfully (Type E)

Q20. What would you choose to do when helping a friend?

a. Think carefully, make careful plans, and be considerate of your friends (Type A)

b. If you have money, give money, if you have the ability, do something for your friends (Type D)





You are serious and self-disciplined Twilight:

Treat your friends as you treat yourself, and you who take everything seriously will definitely give you the most comprehensive and useful solutions! You are a leader among your friends.



You are brave and loyal Rainbow Dash:

No matter how difficult your friend encounters, you will never give up and face it bravely with him or her. It is very happy to be friends with you.



You are cheerful and optimistic Pinkie Pie:

In your opinion, all difficulties will eventually pass, and you will be by your friend's side to cheer them on and accompany them to get through the difficulties smoothly. You are the pistachio among friends. With you here, all difficulties are no problem!



You are a treasure of wisdom and generosity:

Your greatest characteristic is that you are never stingy. You are the one who goes out of your way to help your friends! Although you cannot predict the difficult development, you will do your best to help him.



You are weak and kind-hearted Rourou:

Kindness is your label. Your introversion and caution make you seem a little insignificant in the face of difficulties. But even so, you will go through the thorns and bumps side by side with your friends and work hard to overcome the difficulties!



You are an honest Applejack:

Honesty and justice are your nature~ You should be the most "upright" among your friends, but that's it, you are more likely to trust your friends, and it's really comfortable to be with you.

By the way, I am "Peach", naturally optimistic and fearless. it’s me.


And you? Do you dare to publish your test results?

What are the most similar characteristics?

Leave a message in the comment area to discuss~

The top three babies with the most likes

Get a set of the same accessories as Xiaoma!

My Little Pony, which accompanies babies in their childhood, has been aired in its ninth season! This is the last season of the Friendship is Magic series, and many pony fans are very reluctant to part with it.

In order for everyone to leave no regrets and experience the power of friendship magic for themselves, from now until August 31st, the My Little Pony Friendship Month event is in full swing on Tmall! During this period, you can enter the My Little Pony official flagship store: Taobao password¥yFMyYQ2Ok8d¥ and pick up your favorite pony


Do you think this is the end?


My Little Pony stage play "The Crown of Friendship"

A cool nationwide tour is coming soon

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Pony's story continues...

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